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Mirror archive of Q drops, Potus tweets, and full QResearch threads from 8ch and 8kun. You are the new now!

Mirror archive of Q drops, Potus tweets, and full QResearch threads from 8ch and 8kun. You are the new now!

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Instead, it’s a thin roll that could be used to paper surfaces like conference rooms and schools, in order to let people write on the walls using a stylus with practically no latency, as evidenced in the below GIF.

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In this context, the central theme of The Power of Nightmares is riskily counter-intuitive and provocative. Much of the currently perceived threat from international terrorism, the series argues, "is a fantasy that has been exaggerated and…

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Originally a member of the 'Live to Break' breakdance crew. His popularity grew throughout the 90's doing parties for artists such as Bobby Brown, Mary J Blige, Lennox Lewis, Jodeci etc. He worked 4 years at BMG/RCA Records heading their R&B…